Curtis Bowman is a born and raised, self-proclaimed “spoiled rich kid” from Calgary. His current musical project, Lucy Luna, is a culmination of childhood piano lessons, intoxicated guitar tutorials on YouTube, past experiences with exes & friends, and a mingling of musical influences throughout his 22 years. While Curtis has a slight reluctance to self-define, he has described his music as both, “Pre-apocalyptic, post-modern Americana demi folk rhythm” and “Canadiana folk gypsy pop jazz”, which seems to perfectly emulate the eccentric nature of both his personality and his music; which is wrought with a relaxed nostalgia. Bowman wants to be “like the backup goalie version of a Hollywood star, with a cult following”, he says, hoping that the pursuit of a music career will one day pay the bills and allow him to buy that $15 glass of wine without hesitation. His mother, who wrote her own songs growing up, gave him the initial push towards songwriting, teaching him that anyone can give it a shot. Though inspiration to write comes in waves, his environment and the monotony of everyday life seem to be big motivators for fresh new music.
Lucy Luna
Self-described Pre-apocalyptic, post-modern Americana demi folk rhythm, Lucy Luna is an emerging Calgarian artist. His current musical Playlist includes Shakey graves, Father John Misty, Qwel, Eyedea/Oliver hart, ben harper, Weakerthans, Tragically Hip, Sam Roberts, and his Mom.